
Schanssema Business Consulting
Zandhamel 2
9403 XN Assen
The Netherlands

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Tel: +31 (0)592 - 269378
Mob: +31 (0)6-27234111

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We're Not Just Talk...

We recognise the need for organisations to adapt in order to exceed performance expectations. We therefore focus on strengthening our clients' organisational resilience and their ability to recognise and realise opportunities for business excellence. Many of our skills and experiences have already been applied in supplying solutions to multinational clients in the oil and gas sector, both nationally and internationally. We combine a deep understanding of organisational culture and the challenges involved in product/service and process improvement

Core activities

Our core activities are to:

  • Identify - We identify and realise opportunities for effective business process and management system improvement through performance analysis, supporting project/programme implementation and auditing for sustainability.
  • Facilitate - Improvements can be supported by utilising our facilitation services, which include specialist meeting facilitation and training.
  • Enhance - Getting sustainable benefits from improvement programmes is largely depending on effective management. Implementing our customised leadership coaching programme (individuals/teams) compliments the other services we offer.

Using both a top-down and bottom-up approach, the role of Schanssema Business Consulting® is to help organisations extract more value from their existing assets, and to bring new practices to their current and future developments. Our support can be delivered across functional and organisational boundaries, and in several languages (Dutch, English, German).

Partners in change

Our style is highly facilitative and we seek to obtain as much leverage and involvement from client staff as possible. We enable you to create sustainable value from business change, whether the driver is a change in technology, process or organisation. So, together we'll develop the right solutions for you - and help you achieve the necessary changes. 

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